Blade And Soul Cannot Download File

A General Guide to the Blade and Soul One click Replacement Tool Download the Tool Here This download is ment for the average user and is confirmed to be 100% functional. This archive was made using 7zip, please use 7zip to extract it. Type in CMD into the 'Search programs and files' field but do not hit enter. Doing this will change your start menu to show the program 'cmd.exe.' Right-click on 'cmd.exe' and select 'Run as Administrator.' Type 'netsh winsock show catalog C: LSP.txt' without the quotes. This will save a file to the root of your C drive called LSP.txt. Blade and Soul tool. Tool for paste text from clipboard into Blade & Soul® MMORPG window. Usage Simple paste: Copy text from anywhere in Windows.

Gewusste wie =)
Schritt #1:
Ihr ladet den CBT2 Client via Torrent runter
Sowie den Custom Client von Atomix
Schritt #2:
Warten , mach dir nen Kaffee oder sonstiges.
Schritt #3:
Alles entpacken , wie gewohnt.
Den B&S ordner könnt ihr nach C:programme verschieben , ist jedoch kein muss.

Schritt #4:

Ab hier wird es heikel da NCSoft Zeitbombem eingebaut hat , sprich>
Mach watt falsch und du kannst von vorne anfangen.
Ihr öffnet nun den Atomix Client sowie den B&S ordner (Im B&S Ordner wird verdammt nochmal nichts angeklickt )
Ihr vergnügt euch lediglich mit dem Atomix Ordner.
Dort öffnet ihr 'NCLauncher.exe'
Im geöffneten NCLauncher auf den 'Blade&Soul' eintrag oben Links klicken , und weiter zu den Einstellungen.
Dort nun die Lokation der 'Client.exe' aus dem B&S ordner definieren.
Jetzt noch Update druchrattern lassen und Daddeln

*Short Version cuz i´m Lazy as Hell*
Step #1:
and the Custom Client by Atomix
Step 2#:
extract everthing and don´t f*cking touch anything inside of the B&S Folder.
Step #3:
Open NCLauncher.exe (Atomix folder)
Right-click on 'Blade&Soul' Top-Left > Properties > Browse client.exe (It´s inside the B&S Folder....)
Press 'Ok' , Update the shit out of it and start......congrats.

Viel Spaß , Greetings
DrDante (Ja mein Nick war nicht mehr Frei)

Wiki HomeGame Issues Fix Blade and Soul install now error

Blade And Soul Download Free

Fix Blade and Soul install now error

2020/07/29 19:54

When you install Blade and Soul in the server and run the game in client. It will show you install now error. Learn how to fix it.

1. Enable superclient on one of your client and boot it.

2. Launch the Blade and Soul game from desktop shortcut or iCafeMenu (Figure 1)..

Figure 1

3. Login to Blade and Soul game using your credentials (Figure 2).

Figure 2

4. Now the game will show you the 'Install Now', click the 'Choose file path' button beside it (Figure 3).

Figure 3

5. On the 'Browse For Folder' dialog box, go the the Blade and Soul game folder and click 'OK' button (Figure 4).

Figure 4

6. Now it will search for updates (Figure 5).

Figure 5

7. After few seconds, it will show 'Play Now' button, click it. (Figure 6).

Figure 6

8. Now, the Blade and Soul game launcher will verify the files (Figure 7).

Figure 7

9. Once the files are verified, the game launcher will download and update nProtect Game Guard Engine files (Figure 8).

Figure 8

10. After the nProtect is updated, the game will launch (Figure 9).


Figure 9

11. Enjoy the game (Figure 10).

Figure 10

12. Now, that the game has launched properly, turn off the client and then save the superclient data.

13. Subsequent boot of client, you will not see the 'Install Now' again.

Blade And Soul Download

Blade And Soul Download Game
