Warhammer Ancient Battles Army Lists

Building Ancient Armies. Armies for Warhammer Ancient Battles are built by spending points, aided by an army list. The main rulebook provides only two army lists – Romans (100 B.C. To 250 A.D.) and Barbarians (500 B.C. To 500 A.D., representing Celts, Britons, and Germans) – though other lists are available in supplements or over the Internet. Warhammer Ancient Battles WAB new army list book Warhammer Historical have just released a new version of Armies of Antiquity army list book. Covering 100 armies from the early classical period to the late medieval. WAB Ramblings Warhammer Ancient Battles version two arrives. It was well packed and so much better as a book than a.pdf file. But there are so many errors, it makes me sad that the final execution was flawed, but happy that we at last have a better version of WAB. As to the army lists themselves, any reader who is familiar with the likes of Warhammer Ancient Battles, Warmaster Ancients or Field of Glory will be comfortable with how these are presented. Building Ancient Armies. Armies for Warhammer Ancient Battles are built by spending points, aided by an army list. The main rulebook provides only two army lists - Romans (100 B.C. To 250 A.D.) and Barbarians (500 B.C. To 500 A.D., representing Celts, Britons, and Germans) - though other lists are available in supplements or over the Internet.

This army started as stock for my now defunct on-line model shop. They are excellent Renegade Miniatures figures, and I'd simply bought two packs of each set in the range to have as stock, rather than planning what I needed for an army. I just happened not to have put them into storage when I wound up the shop, as they were not a big range.
I had planned to field a Romano-British army for the annual 'Winter King' Warhammer Ancient Battles tournament that my new club has every year, but although I had three units painted and some more to paint, I realised that I was quite a bit short of a full army and would need to lay out around £150 for more figures. This was not at a time a tempting prospect and my first thought was to 'cheat' by painting up some of these figs as Romano-British. In the process, I counted up all the figures I had, compared it to the 'Shieldwall' supplement and realised I had virtually the perfect number for a full Middle to Late Anglo-Saxon Army!
So a week or so into December, I thought I'd throw caution to the wind and see if I could paint this army up. The problem was I had to get them done by mid-January!
It certainly was a real push and at several points I thought I wouldn't make it. Fortunately most people were slow in starting their first battles for the competition, so I kept my head down and kept painting...and by the end of January...I was close enough to take a chance and book a game for the next week...though I was sweating right up to the a couple of hours before the game on varnish and basing glue drying...only to find my opponent turned up, but the army he was hoping to borrow didn't!

Warhammer Ancient Battles Army Lists

Still everything done, I set a date for a battle for the next week. All told I have a unit of 24 Huscarles armed with two-handed battle axe - using this makes it a later Anglo-Danish army- and enough painted for 4/5 units of thegnsand coerls (depending on whether I make them 24 or 32 figure units), plus 34 'gebur' skirmishers. The unit above is the one I use for the Cyning's own unit.

Here's a close up of the figure I'm using for now as my Cyning (King), but he may get displaced by a 'Gripping Beast' King Alfred figure once I'm happy with the paint job.
I've also got another 30 or so more thegns and coerls left to even start painting, and 30 odd more unarmoured earlier period 'West Wind' Saxons, which can easily be used as coerls. Once I've don't these I can field the army as a Middle-period (ie. 8-9th century) Anglo-Saxon army- and to be honest could be used for earlier too- up to 2200 points.
I didn't get time to buy the excellent 'Little Big Man Studio' flags before putting them in the field (I have since), but fitted them out with a few 'print offs' of them - complete with 'spoiler' green lines, just to get the size of their flagpoles right. This is one unit equipped with their large cross flag.
The army list lets you field an 'Abbod', well worth having as a unit so equipped gets to re-roll all its misses in the first round of combat. I couldn't find a figure I like for this, looking and failing to find something 'Dark Age' but 'Clerical' in my Fantasy figure collection. But I did have a 'Gripping Beast' unarmoured priest, which with a cardboard cross on stick became my standard bearer.
These are my Huscarles, which by rights should be the bodyguard for my Cyning in a later period army, but one of the big weaknesses of an Anglo-Saxon army is that the thegns have pretty poor morale (just 6) so need as many characters as you can afford to lead them. The Huscarles have a morale of 9, so as 'Winter King' tournament rules limit armies to 1850 points if you use more than 4 characters, it is a bit of a waste of your Cyning to have him lead the Huscarles when you need every character you can get.
Above is another mixed unit and below a separate shot of some Coerls who aren't very visible in the other shots as they found up behind the thegns in these mixed units.
I was hoping for an easy first outing against Tony's Picts. Tony is a very experienced WAB player (and I'm not, in fact although I'd had the rules for ages and read them many times, at my former club no one was into WAB so this was my FIRST game), but Anglo-Saxon thegn-led units should go through Picts like a knife through butter.

Unfortunately, Tony has decided not to use his exquisitely painted Pictish army and painted up a Late Roman Army instead. Anglo-Saxons are mainly armed with thrusting spear, not good in the first round of combat if they charge, but great if they can survive the first round of combat. Tony had armed all his Late Roman's with heavy throwing spear, which maximises his deadliness in the first round of combat-especially deadly when given to his 'warband' allies which will break any enemy they charge if they win in the first round....

Warhammer ancient battles army lists ww1
...the result? Three of my five heavy units broken in the first turn of combat, at which point my general's unit rolls at 11 for a panic test (they had won their combat and only needed at roll 9 or less!). So all my army except the Huscarles-who didn't even get into combat-were running and game over!

And it was not much consolation to follow Tony's suggestion and -just for fun!?!-test to see if they would rally next turn -and find three of the units would have!

Still, I don't think I really did anything much right in the game, so there you are! Let's hope for better luck next time!

In October/November , an expansion rules set was released “Ancient Armies” by Rick Priestley. The 98 page softcover book gives army. This book contains all of the rules and information that players will need to field and fight Expanded by: Warmaster Ancient Armies Warmaster Medieval Armies . Warmaster Ancients – Warhammer Historical – Download as PDF File .pdf) or read online. Warhammer Ancient Battles – Core Rule Book. warhammer ancient.

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Warmaster Ancuents off of the popular fantasy rules, Warmaster features units of three stands with a standard template for army lists, which proves very easy to use. The Warmuster publication aimed to promote ongoing development of the game but has since been superseded and refined see below for Warmaster Revolution.

Additional miniatures for this game were ruules in white metal. Once two units have exchanged blows the number of hits are war,aster. The game is designed to focus on the general’s ability to command rather than just his army’s ability to fight.

Please update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. We initially started out small, with only Egyptians and Assyrians, but we have quickly branched out to include forces for Hittites, Successors, Indians, and Vikings.

Rick’s Warmaster.

In mid, a new online supplement was added to the Specialist Games website, known as Warmaster Armies. Generals, Heroes and Wizards are mounted individually or with their retinue. There is a vast amount of material, some published and some previously unpublished work relating to Warmaster Ancients and I have been working hard to obtain it.

At the end of each year, usually during the holiday season, the club has an annual, one day Warmaster Ancients tournament. Articles with obsolete information from November All Wikipedia articles in need of updating Pages using deprecated image syntax Pages using infobox game with unknown parameters. Retrieved from ” https: While magic is used in the game, its effect on the game is limited.

They were discontinued shortly after being released.


The loser with the lowest total hits warmwster forced acients fall back, while the winner has the option to stand, pursue or fall back. A freely downloadable “Living Rulebook”, along with supplements and archived magazine articles, are available through the fan-administered site Specialist Games.

Since a revamped ruleset was released by the Warmaster community called Warmaster Revolution. This ruleset has a number of significant differences with the Fantasy and Ancients version. Gameplay proceeds with the rolling of dice. Views Read Edit View history. Each player then has three battles that take around 90 minutes each and the results are tallied, with casualty poiints determining the winner in case of ties.

Warhammer II Vermintide 2. Each participant is given a points total plus three territories from the campaign system anciens the Warmaster Armies book. If you are an exclusive, verifiable owner of something on this site and feel your copyright infringed upon, politely request warmaser removal and this will be done willingly, and with my apologies.

Warhammer 40k Army Builder

A t this present time Rick has no way of accessing his old site hence this one. A new ruleset for the Medieval period was released in December After quite an extensive search we settled on the Warmaster Ancients series of rules as we had a lot of fun as well as experience with the fantasy version for several years. Shooting is not very deadly, but any hits scored may force an enemy wwrmaster to fall back and cost the player further command rolls to draw back into combat.

Based off of the popular fantasy rules, Warmaster features units of three stands with a standard template for army lists, which proves very easy to use. While detailed in the box set rule book, these extra miniatures were sold separately. End Times — Vermintide Total War: Several of us have been playing Ancients since we first got started in the hobby, beginning with WRG rules, Shock of Impact, Warhammer Historical, and many others along the way. Units in Warmaster must be activated and moved by rolling against the command value of a character; units can be activated multiple times, though the roll becomes progressively more difficult.

10mm Ancients & Medieval

Warhammer Project

This article’s factual accuracy may be compromised due to out-of-date information. The new ruleset incorporates many of the supplement army lists but has a working committee that looks to refine the lists to make them balanced and playable as well as tweak current army lists. If a commander fails his activation roll, he can no longer command units in that turn. Bringing together elements of Warmaster Ancients and some extra ‘house rules’, Warmaster Revolution has quickly established itself as the ruleset of choice for Warmaster players.

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There is already movement afoot on the Yahoo forum in respect of the lists published with the rulesespecially some of nacients wayward ones in Book 3as well as those posted here, this could be good idea but I hope that before any alterations that the original producers of the anicents will be contacted for their input on why the anciemts is listed as it it.

The tournament is a lot of fun, you ancientx to see a wide variety of armies against each other, and there are some unique strategies in choosing units from the lists.

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Units are normally made of three such elements each. Once all units have been moved eligible units are allowed to shoot and wizards may attempt to cast a spell. The original version, the fantasy ruleset Warmasterwas first released in Knights are introduced as a powerful unit shifting wwarmaster game balance back towards cavalry, like in the original, Fantasy version. The gameplay for Warmaster Ancients follows the same basic procedure as Warmaster Fantasy, but differs in the following way:.

This site uses images and files obtained from public records, free sources available on the web, and from personnel creation, or collection. The first thing being done is to add some further background information to go with the lists already published. WMA is quick to set up, plays very fast, and is a lot of dules, so we usually use this for those nights where we need to come up with something quickly.

After the shooting phase follows the combat phase, all units involved in combat may roll a number of six-sided dice equivalent to their attack value. Warmaster works at a higher organisation level than Warhammer Fantasy to represent very large battles in the Warhammer world.

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