How Do You Rejoin A Groupme

A bot is an automated group member that can be told to post messages to one of your groups with an HTTP POST request. Bots can also respond to messages sent by members of the group. Note: bots can only send messages to the app via push. They cannot send SMS messages to users in SMS-mode.

  • You don't need to have our app to use GroupMe. Add anyone from your phone book and they will immediately be able to chat with the group. You can chat with your groups directly over SMS. Learn more about GroupMe over SMS.
  • You can't join a group on your own – you'll need a current member of the group to invite you. Ask that person to go to the group's settings page and add you under the 'Group members' section.

Using a bot is as easy as registering a member name and optional avatar url. Then you use the secret key you get back to post messages from your bot into your group.

Method 1: using our form.

GroupMe is cross-platform accessible making it a good way to stay in touch with users on different platforms. A unique aspect of the program is that you do not even need to have the app to chat with your friends. You can add a friend using just their phone number, and that person will be able to send and receive SMSs to the group.

Use our form

The easy (and most error-free) way to get a bot up and running is to use ourform for creating bots.

Method 2: using our API.

Here we'll show you the programmatic way to make a bot.

1. Get your access token.

How do you join a groupme

For the sake of convenience, your access token is listed at the top of thebots page

For the rest of this tutorial, we'll assume your access token is token123

2. Find the group ID for the group you want the bot in.

You can retrieve group ids from the API.

Will return json that looks like this:

For the rest of this tutorial, we'll assume your group ID is 2000

3. Register your bot

So your access token is token123 and the group ID is 2000. You want to make a bot called Johnny Five. The way tocreate a bot is to send an HTTP POST request to the following POST body:

If you were using cURL, the command line would look like this:

You should get back a response that looks like this:

The bot id in this case is j5abcdefg. Save that somewhere.

Optional arguments when creating bots

Callback URLs

You can optionally specify a callback URL for the bot to read new messages from the group. This callback URL will receive an HTTP POST request from us every timea message is published to that group.

Let's say you want messages to be sent via POST to

Your request would look like this:

Avatar URLs

You can also specify an avatar URL that will give your bot an appearance in the group.Your request would look like this:

Still got that bot ID? Cool. You can now write an app that can post to the group and/or get pinged when new messages appear in the group. To post in the group, send an HTTP POST to with the following POST body:

How do you join a groupme

For those of you playing along with cURL:

How Do You Rejoin A Groupme


New: image and location attachments


We now allow the bot to upload images as well as locations in the form of latitude/longitude pairs.

Posting images

The POST body for attaching an image looks like this. Note that the url must befor an image hosted by our image service. To get your images on ourimage service, you need to first upload them to our image service. See the documentationon how:Image Service Documentation

Posting locations

Similarly, you can attach locations to your message

Protip: You can add multiple attachments to a single message. For example, an image and a location. But you can't add multiple attachments of the same kind.


How To Make A Groupme

If you've registered a callback url with your bot, each message sent to the group by any member will be posted to that callback url. A sample of the data format that is POSTed back is a V3 message:

So, where should my bot run???

Your bot can be something as simple as a script that runs every few minutes,or as complicated as an application that parses the text of the group conversation.You'll need some kind of application environment, with your bot code sitting on top of it. For example,you could create an app on Heroku with Heroku Scheduler running, and have that app post to your group.

How Do You Rejoin A Group Text

Questions? Check out ourGroupMe API Support Google Group or just